सुमनांजली !

It's not every other day when I am more proud than happy; one of it is today no doubt! Today we have published my Grandmother's poems! "Aaji" as we fondly call her, really defines a lady. Be it the worldliness, generosity, patience, strength, finesse or humbleness, she has it all. At adversity or at any achievement she has held her head on her shoulders and is one of those reliable people to whom we can always turn to. We have seen her journey through her numerous endless stories. Yes, we have seen her broad shoulders turning into tiny skeleton, the strong skin hold to the wrinkles; she is the truest example of aging with grace. When she is not working in the garden or cooking or taking care of the household chores, she spends her time with us - her grandchildren. Little we know or cared that she has her own life. We have never seen her sitting idle, usually engrossed in the daily routine, yet, she always knows everything. Be it the current events, sports, m...