What's Wrong !

I never understand why people give so much importance to dates! Many asked me my placement date stating that it is one of the most important days. Oh really? Now you get to decide what is important for me! Whatever! I don’t remember the month leave alone the date in which I got placed. But I do remember that night, as clearly as it is. It’s been more than a year now, but still I do remember that day. Isn’t that enough?

But ironically I remember every single day along with dates during the initial MS, the GRE-TOEFL dates, visa, and departure process. It doesn’t mean that I wasn’t happy when I was placed; it’s just that it never felt right. Indeed I was happy but not excited. Now, I am realizing my dream, sitting right in the USA, miles apart from my lovely parents, friends and family still not excited. Today I have more than I could have asked for. But still I am quite neutral.

Has the real excitement lost?

Or has the process indeed drained me out?

Is this what they call satisfaction?

Is something wrong with me?

I need to be more than excited and happy! I think this call for a deep introspection!


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