At a Certain Night of a Certain Day!

A silent night. She sat there all alone. It was so dark that she couldn't even see the clear reflection of her vociferous self. The only sound she could hear was of the occasional flights and small little boats. She was just staring at those small consecutive ripples, lost in her thought, fighting all the wordless wars deep inside. She even overlooked those beautiful stars playing mischievously with the clouds which assured that there will be rainy days ahead. But, did she care about those rains? Did she care about those tiny fishes, circling around the wooden platform on which she sat, who knew they will be caught in the net when it will be pulled up and they might not escape, that it might be their last night together? Did she care that the lake had a lighting silhouette, an amazingly beautiful and serene view?

No, she did not.

She was just engrossed in her own thoughts so much so that even if she have had a company she would have felt lost.

How much she wished that she would stop thinking so much. Why, when, how it all started, she never really had a clue. She just hears a continuous voice sitting at the top of her head always more than eager to have a long chat, and being the most patient and faithful listener, she always ends up listening to that voice. She is just unable to find a way to ignore those strident sounds. Can she do that? Indeed yes, but how?

Really what are these voices? Why the hell are they making her a loner? Wasn't she lonely enough? Are they forcing her to cling to her past? Are they bothering her about her future? Well, supposedly she had a wonderful past and she is happy with her friends right now, then what is that bothering her so much?

Just like her, sometimes, we all tend to over think the things. We are so much engulfed in our own thoughts that we forget the present. We forget to live, we forget to let it go, we forget to take it a day.

I know, so many times we all have felt lonely, so uncertain and so much annoyed. One reason can be that, we have had great old days and the present days are just not up to the mark. Unknowingly we try to judge our present on the high standards set by our past that we completely ignore that the circumstances have changed, we have grown up and simply forget to move on.

But, that is that. Can't we fight these devils?

Is it necessary to be so hard on oneself? Can't we just go with the flow? Can't we live like we have always wanted? Can't we be satisfied, happy and excited? Can't we try our best and have no expectations? Can't we just do that little one thing that we have always wanted to do but ignored somehow, and are sure that it will make us happy? Can't we have a weird dream and remember it the next day and laugh out loud about it? Can't we laugh till our stomach hurts? Can't we ignore all the worries and live for one day?

Indeed yes, but how?


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