Gift Yourself!

Aha! Again a long gap in the posts! I am really clueless why this happens, I guess it is okay to keep aside the writing cap once in a while. No, it is not an excuse, still. I always wonder how it is possible for others to maintain a daily blog post. Every other blog I see, or rather I follow, has regular updates. They always suggest to sit down and write all the thoughts, and say you will get into the flow. When I try to follow that, words always fail me. How can these authors write such beautiful posts? The whole write up seems magical and all the words and phrases are just apt or are placed as if they were destined to be there. Undoubtedly, I envy them. I envy that they can figure out a beautiful picture of the whole scene in front of us, by mere words. I envy that they manage to do that every other time. I envy that they keep us engulfed in the story so much so that we start to relate to them, engage into the laughs or sorrows and unknowingly get transported to that place.

Same is the case with a book. Be it Tuesdays with Morrie, Shiva Trilogy, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Malgudi Days, The Fountainhead, Roads to Mussoorie... so many great books... such a task to name only a few! I just wish that this doesn't become a reality...


Coming back to the topic, it is so tough to hit on the central idea, right? Many a times, I end up writing too many short drafts. It is like, I get an idea, I write it down then and there, but then what next? I am not able to think through! Then suddenly the pending drafts get overboard and I get bored of seeing those incomplete titles. And so, sometimes in a whim of a second, I delete all the drafts, most of the times, angrily, irritably or unknowingly! I am curious to know whether this happens with anyone else too? This is weird, isn't it? I guess, it has to do something with my uncanny mood-swings! Right, the lake visit or the long walks do not solve the purpose! Gym? Badminton? Photography? - Nah! Then?

Shopping - YEAH!

Yes! Shopping is not just the stress buster, unquestionably, more than that! And when you 'gift' yourself, it is an out of the world feeling! Yes, you read it correctly, I have written 'gift' and not 'buy'. There is a whole lot of difference between these two words. Technically you gift someone for their achievements, milestones or some celebration. In short, you appreciate others or try to be a part of their happiness or just increase the joy! In the whole process, you definitely end up with a wide smile. In the same way, we have to buy a present and instead of giving it to someone, store it and gift it to yourself! Once in a while, it is okay to appreciate yourself. So now, on a second thought, gifting yourself doesn't sound a bad idea right? Pampering yourself for a change won't harm anyone! It will keep you spirited and overjoyed! Consider it as your treat to yourself after a really hard day or a time-out from the things that are going wrong. It will make you feel 'precious', a lot more optimistic, happy and resourceful! I bet the thought - "I bought this for me all by myself', just because I felt like gifting myself", is very reassuring!

Today I picked up a casual T, really after a long time, yes, as a gift, just like that, and I am happy about it!

So, go on, rush to THAT store to get that cake, gadget, jewellery or dress!


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