Odd Connect!

It is always so good to meet people who have the same interests as you have. It feels so awesome to finally talk about the common topics. It is so easy to be friends with them, you feel as if you are knowing each other since ages, even if you talk less. It is one of those instant connect moments when your wavelengths match and then what, it is a complete fun-ride! It is like, you don't have to spend half of the time explaining all the details, the why's and how's. Just a mere mention, word, expression, any weird clue, is enough, more than enough, to complete the story. It is the assurance of the fact that your friend will understand. It is that happiness of security one has when you express yourself, you know you will not be taken otherwise. It is one of those liberating experiences mixed with introspection, change in perspective and exhilaration!

If you have such friend(s) - treasure him/her(them), you need them!


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