They always said, you are up for a lifetime learning experience once you reach here, now I know why! Yes it is an excellent learning opportunity, but I will like to go a step further and say that it is the phase where you actually realise your growth, your potential and your endurance. At every step you fight with yourself, you prove yourself that you are worth it and at the end of the day trust your decision that you will be able to survive in this crazy, weird, huge and different world. No doubt when you leave home you eventually grow up but trust me this is all together a different experience. Here you are not in your comfort zone; rather you have to make this as your element. You are literally on your own and may have trusting issues. Yes, you will have companions who will be more like a family and a home away from home, but you will have to get used to the idea of not waking up after your mother’s wake up scream and actually not snoozing the alarm. You will have t...
GIRL: Oh boy! Just tell me why? Why did you leave me in a single try? Just tell me how should I forget the time we had without a single cry? The day we first met, The day when we became something more than ‘just friends’! The moments your eyes stared me And So the moments your eyes met mine. From the little chats and long pauses we had; to, The long chats and short pauses we shared! Can you just give me an account of what we owned? The moments when we locked our hands; to The moments when we just bit lips And So the moments of the things you did, Can you just recall how happy we have been? The times we fought, The times we cried, The times we embraced, The times when we made each other special, And The times you made me a feet lighter! Baby! Come back to my life or at least take my life As I don’t want a without you life. If not! At least tell...
It is always so good to meet people who have the same interests as you have. It feels so awesome to finally talk about the common topics. It is so easy to be friends with them, you feel as if you are knowing each other since ages, even if you talk less. It is one of those instant connect moments when your wavelengths match and then what, it is a complete fun-ride! It is like, you don't have to spend half of the time explaining all the details, the why's and how's. Just a mere mention, word, expression, any weird clue, is enough, more than enough, to complete the story. It is the assurance of the fact that your friend will understand. It is that happiness of security one has when you express yourself, you know you will not be taken otherwise. It is one of those liberating experiences mixed with introspection, change in perspective and exhilaration! If you have such friend(s) - treasure him/her(them), you need them!
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