Pink Boots!

Hello little girl! Welcome to this whole big wide beautiful world and to our family :)

No doubt you would be the most precious and pampered one, first child of maternal cousins era! Yes, you hold all the responsibility and power!

I am so glad, all the words are falling short! Your tiny fingers, toes, beautiful eyes seem so eager and full of life, and your smile and the never ending energy! Please, don't lose that in the process of growing up! Don't forget these little things!

I wish I could be there, near you! To see you hold my fingers, to see you stare at everyone, trying to memorize the faces, to see you crawl or take the baby steps! It is so much learning! Yes, the technology would be there at our disposal, still, the feel of being around won't be there, but, yes, we would try ways to be in contact :) Sure, I would never want to miss any of your significant accomplishments!

Fast forward a few years, when you are able to read this (hopefully, this blog would be still around the corner :)) society would have changed (hopefully for the good!) and so would be the mindset! I hope you don't come across female stereotypical or hypocritical people! If you do, run! Run away from them! They are not worth your time and efforts! There is no sadder emotion than being surrounded by conservative people who decline to change with the coming age. I hope they don't try to bully you or dodge you. Hope they don't question you for every decision you take or take you for granted or point fingers for having a softer and emotional side. Yes, there is no need to feel sorry if you haven't done anything wrong. There is nothing wrong if you are focused in your career or studies or your hobbies, pursue whatever you like, give it more than yourself! I would love to see you find your own path, overcoming all obstacles. Don't be afraid to have dreams, let them inspire you! Don't shy away from having opinions and standing for them. I also know, it won't be easy, I won't try to push in but encourage you to discover it yourself!
It is the need today to be a feminist, but it doesn't mean that you need to oppress or shatter the male ego or male dogma, it just means equal opportunities. It is something, that we all should understand! It would mean helping the poor sans their caste and creed and gender!
Spread love and laughter, share sadness and depression and wipe the tears and sorrows - it would definitely be a better place :)

Yours truly,
Loving Aunt :)
Shripad, Aditi!
Heartiest congratulations lovelies! 


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