Open Arms

Let me have the strength to let go,
Of all the hurt and the disappointments,
Of all the distrusts and misgivings.

As a human, we tend to hold on to all unheard.

What we fail to comprehend is that, most of the situations arise,
When we...
...don't say enough,
...say more than enough,
...react without listening,
...argue without understanding,
...are stuck at loggerheads, to welcome ideas,
...rush to conclusions,
...just give up.

Let me take a step back,
Let me find more reasons to love and less reasons to fight,
Let me find infinite occasions to share a smile.

Let me introspect,
Let me find more courage and less selfishness,
Let me be purposeful.

Let me have a morale,
Let me have a rationale to follow my passion,
Let me have a dream that might seem uncertain.

This one time,
Let me break out of the confined walls and put myself into the unknown,
And let me find more treasures as I trudge further.


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