Old Thoughts, New Paths!


So, it's been quite a while that I am in Texas, looking back, it has turned out quite well.

Till now, it has been an adventure ride. I have met so many new people, new acquaintances and new ideas. Made some good friends, more like a family; yes, I am happy.

A nostalgic post - No!

Missing home - No, umm, yes, a little, happens!

An inspiring one - Not sure!

An impromptu write up - Not really, it's one of the assignments!

This post is for the blog of one of my friend's interesting start-up Mentor Buddy's blog, which uses a communication platform for aspiring students to interact with the existing students or alumni of the universities they want to go.

No, I am not going to talk anything even remotely related to the exam preparation, university short listing or the application process; nor about immigration, airport pick ups or adjusting in the new surroundings.

Ok, even I agree, it's enough of a prelude.

At times, many incoming students have asked me, if they could cope up with the studies, would it be too hectic, etc. Simply put - YES! It's a completely different learning setup, hectic, nevertheless exciting. We actually witness the cycle - learn, unlearn and relearn.

Some of the foremost things I want to mention -

1] Be very sure before taking that plunge. Read as much as you can and utilize as much resources as you can before deciding on aiming for an International degree. It's okay to be apprehensive, but be sure that you are ready for it. Trust me, it's not all that easy.

2] Take the risk. And, obviously, be ready to face the consequences, good or bad.

3] Trust your instincts. Yes, I am talking about that little voice inside your head, have faith in it. It would turn out to be fine.

4] Be considerate and appreciate, it minimizes the mess.

Now, once this preparation is done, leave all the grudges, regional or religious conflicts and travel. And once you arrive (at your university), just try not to forget the reason why you left your country. Always keep that broader picture alive. It's very easy to drift in the process, the only rescue is to keep the fire within - untethered.

I don't know about others, at least I have become much more socially aware with each passing day. There have been quite some times where I had some 'Oh, I didn't know that' moments! And, even after being here for about 21 months, this country doesn't fail to surprise me!

Here, I come off as representing India and not any particular state. The Indian festivals or the Government celebrations infuse patriotism and enthusiasm like never before.

The new found independence changes your personality. That meeting and facing your new self part is fun. 

With the new found freedom, I have started pursuing my hobbies. (I never thought I could come up with any poem per se!) The new found maturity has made me realize how far I have come and how much I have changed (for the good!). My family has started to treat me as a grown up. Being alone has taught me to deal with the situations head on and being responsible. It has made me appreciate the kindness of family and all the friends around. The more I think, the more I realize that I am indeed attached to my roots, or the principles and more humble I have become. The more I interact with others, I understand that it's a world full of opportunities, so less explored!

I have grown as a person and as an entity. I have started comprehending, analyzing and questioning ideologies and analogies, and accidentally end up figuring out my importance in it. And unknowingly some beautiful stories have been weaved due to the process. I have started looking at the things in a different way to understand the other side of the coin. And see love more than I have thought for.

To be honest, lets not be under the impression that, it's all bed of roses - never is! Reality check! It's a lot of struggle and at times it does get fuzzy; way out - patience and hope. Yes, it would definitely take some time to get established, to make new friends, to understand the complete process, to figure things out and to live, but we have to just hang in there! Time makes it possible!

Yes, it’s all worth it, because once you survive it, you will realize that things have changed, for the better!!

And as Charles Bukowski says -

“ Find what you love and let it kill you.”

Read the article here!

Related posts -
i. All is Okay
ii. Home - Ties


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