
(Read Part 1 here!)

(Read Part 2 here!)

(Read Part 3 here!)

Glad he was, that he decided to stop by - just like that. Happy to let go of the ego they always had. All for the one cup of tea and that torn book they always had, only to realize, that he went away for quite a long!


"Hi! Prabhakar here. How are you? I am in town, and, I was thinking if we could meet today? I am leaving tomorrow."

Of course she recognized his voice, how could she forget, if he thought otherwise!

"Sure, stop by around 6 pm, I will keep the tea ready." Click.

Coming over unannounced was his way. He loved to give such small surprises. He still does. Surely, he has changed a lot, maybe?


Neatly arranging the cleaned vessels Maya sat in the empty chair beside Prabhakar. Silently watching or commenting in a word or two from those two patio recliners had always been 'their' thing. 'Simple pleasures' they could always relate.

It was never uncomfortable to talk with each other, including today.

Why? Why did he decide to show up? Why now when...

Maya had always dreamt of this! All those 'what ifs' were standing in front, still, she chose to stare into the abyss and express. Once an emotion felt like a dying candle. Mustering courage, feeling bashful were a passé!

Do you know what it feels to be trapped? Trapped into the emotions which we are reluctant to let go. How hard we try, we realize that we always end up hitting the next bottom? Being imprisoned into the void and infinitely looping into parallel realities and dreams which have no significant existence. It might feel like a stab right across your soul which would question your presence and putting you in a robotic maneuver, indefinitely. This is a deep, engulfed, shrewd and a hollow place. Reality either gets filtered or flushed out, the choice is not in your hands. Cluttered with disappointments and false hopes, the tiniest of the sunshine is hidden so deep beneath that it never gets a chance to peek in. Really, this is a not the nicest of the places one wants to be in.

I have been there. 

But, when the ray of hope hits you, you hang on to it, to never let it go!


Prabhakar thought to himself, "Definitely this is a different Maya that I hardly know."

No hugs, no goodbyes, and, he left, Just Like That! Realizing some bookmarks go untouched, knowingly!



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